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Wednesday 26 October 2011


26/10/2011 (Wed) Cloudy

As notice by doctor in the past few days, her status is getting worse. But anyway I just only hope that she doesn’t feel any painful for the time being. She has no appetite and feels so tired over a period of time. She needs to inject the saline/salt solution for supporting. We have the worse expectation to be happened in the near future. But we still have to accept it, no one willing to be happened it at all! We just hope that she can sustain as long as she can. And one more important thing, hope she has no regrets to going on. Thanks !

Monday 17 October 2011

Take it Easy

2011年10月14日 (星期五) 陰

“順其自然” 是我從小至大的口頭禪, 意思很禪, 亦是我的左右銘, 一切隨心而行, 難怪會成為我口頭禪之一.

人與人之間, 相處是一門學問, 尤其說話技巧, 唔同時間, 環境, 心情, 不同的說話會引起不同迴響. 所謂天時,地理,人和三方面要perfect match. 我尚要學習. 但當我偶一不慎說錯話而觸怒對方, 怎樣收科呢? 自問說話已是屬於圓滑一族, 更不喜歡得罪別人. 明明非對方的意思, 但卻被會錯意, 我當然馬上要澄清吧, 但澄清以後, 卻仍不得要領, 怎辦? 繼續爭辯也沒意思. 知道對方的心和腦皆被怒火中燒. 而我更不想被其怒火觸動, 唯有“忍”才可按捺得住? 稍稍給彼此喘息的空隙.

喜歡寫BLOG, 用文字把感受記下來, 從而學習怎樣冷靜面對, 經歷不開心要面對解決, 開心的也是甜密回憶, 感恩一切我所擁有. 佛門網裡所載的人生智慧是我不斷學習的東西.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Give me a break

2011年9月30日 (星期五) 陰

近整個月股市連翻下挫, 工作也忙到透不過氣, 幸好這兩星期中皆有一天假期,可以give me a break. 上星期久違了的8號波,今年的首個納沙,竟可以不受李氏力場的抵擋而吹入香港,為我們這班上班族帶來多一天的假期!沒料到將近10月的季節仍會掛起颱風,真感謝上天在我最想休息的時候,賜給一日寶貴的假期,和肥出外感受過風雨及飲茶以後,慢行去買了一點餸回家預備今晚晚餐。好好享受難得的一天。

再次感謝媽的驗身報告沒出問題, 但願家人身心健康! 也許人長大經歷多了, 知道健康幸福不是必然, 學懂了凡事感恩珍惜, 不再為小事執著, 因倒頭來只會招損自己健康.